This month, I’ll be participating in the Common Threads Challenge hosted by some of my favorite bloggers:

They are choosing five pieces from their wardrobe and wearing at least one piece each day during the month of October. And they are challenging other women to do the same. I think I’m up for the challenge, so here are my five pieces:


My first two pieces are a pair of dark blue boot cut jeans (these are St. John’s Bay from JC Penney) along with a Gap silver sparkle tee shirt (thrifted). I’m wearing these with a thrifted Sonoma hoodie.


Third, my trusty orange Easy Spirit sneakers.


Fourth, a pair of black ankle pants (Chico’s).


And, fifth, a thrifed burgundy corduroy jacket (Dress Barn).

Screenshot 2017-10-03 23.39.39.png

You’ll be seeing a lot of these five items this month! Be sure to check out the ladies who are hosting this challenge (links above).

I’ll end with a little plug, which I don’t often do. I often find great things that then make their way into my eBay store. If you visit by going to, you can will 15% off of anything in the store at checkout.

Thank you for joining me on my frugal fashion journey! Please follow me here, on Bloglovin’Instagram and Facebook. Check out the linkups I participate in on the sidebar to the right. And please feel free to comment — I’d love to know what you think!